Friday, October 26, 2012

1: Start a Journal

When I found out I was pregnant back in December 2011, I bought a journal, a big one, to start jotting down my experiences and memories along the way. It would be best to keep up with it daily or weekly, or as things happen.  You don't want to get stuck after your precious bundle is born and trying to remember every detail about the appointment when you found out the sex, or when you felt that first kick. (Which is what I did!) But if you are like me, can't keep up with a journal to save your life, then at least jot the date/time and a short note in the back of the book to reference later when you do have time to write. Even utilizing a note app on your phone to jot down those reminders since most of us always have it with us.  We  would just stop functioning if, God forbid, we ever left our phones at home! You could also make notes in your planner to refer to. I ended up using all three of these methods.

For me, the journal is for my daughter, McKayla, to read one day about her mother's pregnancy, her birth and her raising. Then, perhaps, later down the road, pass the journal down to her to continue her life story and her pregnancy! (I'm getting emotional now!)
In addition to your writings, add pictures to the journal such as your belly, her ultrasound, her first 30 seconds in this world...

Keep in mind that when you choose a journal, stick with one that can go both ways. When I bought mine, I didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl.  Planahead Jumbo Journal is the one I got.  I figured it would would work ok for a girl or boy:

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