Monday, November 5, 2012

5: Stock Up

If you're going the disposable route, start stocking up on diapers and wipes while you're pregnant. Every time you go grocery shopping, or to Target, or to B.J.s, grab a pack/case of diapers and wipes. Buy varying sizes. Only get a couple packs of newborn sizes since you won't be sure how big your baby will be at birth. If you happen to have sizes you don't need, stores are usually OK with you exchanging them.  Do start with size 1 because they go up to around 14 lbs.  This advice was given to me by my friend, JB, and I started doing it immediately. It really helped us out a lot since you really go through a ton. And trust me, you won't get enough from your shower.  We had two baby showers AND a diaper shower AND stock and we still have to go buy diapers! My little girl isn't even 3 months old yet!

Don't worry too much about name brand.  MOST of the off-brands essentially do the same thing.  I received a lot of different recommendations: Pampers, Huggies, Luves, store brand. But from my experience, one of the name brands leaked on me with a full diaper no different than a store brand.  One thing I did like about Pampers is that it has a wetness indicator, but is only useful if your baby isn't wearing bottoms (like in the hospital or during warm summer months).  The off brand that I'm currently hooked on is Top Care Diapers that I get at our local grocery store. I always know if she's wet with just a pinch of her diaper through. If it moves between my fingers like gel, then she needs a changing.  The name brand diapers have this gel stuff too, but why pay more?  Update: I found another store brand of diapers that I love!  They're up&up brand and can be found at Target.  Now when second baby is on the way, I know what brand to stock up on to save cash and get good quality.  As opposed to the Top Care brand, up&up are more readily available since they are sold in the ever popular Target!

One piece of advice a mother gave me was to NEVER use store brand because they cause diaper rash.  Her son is 22 years old now and I am uncertain if he has sensitive skin or not, but this was not true for me. McKayla only had diaper rash once, but it wasn't from the diaper brand. (Will touch more on diaper rash in a later post.)

If you're still uncertain of off brands, stock up on name brands until your child is born and then you can purchase the off brands to see how they work for you when you have a baby around to try them on. Update: Also, my friend Elizabeth Gibson said that diapers you like now may not be good for baby number two. 

This picture is just part of the stock.  The rest are in other closets in the house! Thank you Grandma Smith for organizing them for us!!

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